Automatically activate DNN Licenses

How to activate Evoq Content and Evoq Content Enterprise licenses using the License Manager to receive the benefits provided to our customers. Account and invoice information are provided in the welcome email.

  1. Navigate to HostThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. > Advanced Settings > Activate your License.
  2. Click the Add License button.

  1. At License Type select from these options:
  2. At Web Server, select the name of the machine that is running DNN. This value is defaulted to the name of the current web server and may need to be changed when operating in a web farm.
  3. In the Account Email text box, enter the email address used when purchasing the license.
  4. In the Invoice Number text box, enter the invoice number provided in the welcome email.
  5. Click the Automatic Activation button.

A status message is now displayed. If unsuccessful, review the message and try again.